Mena Suvari


First Hit: What a bizarre, funny, odd film. If people are or become as jaded as this film projects, we’re seriously in trouble.

This film is supposedly based on a true story. I never heard about the story so I don’t know.

Brandi (played by Mena Suvari) works as a nurse’s aide taking care of aging people in an elderly home. She is attentive and caring in her work and some patients only want her to help them. It is fair to say does a great job at work.

At night she likes to drink, do drugs, and party with her dope-dealing boyfriend Rashid (Played by Russell Hornsby). Leaving a club one night she hits a pedestrian homeless person played by Stephen Rea (Tom). He was downsized out of his past job, has just been kicked out of his skid row hotel, and is heading for a homeless shelter when Brandi hits him.

The impact places his body half in and out of her car by way of the windshield. Brandi panics and drives home with his body half lying on the hood of the car. She parks the car in the garage and yells at the still half alive and still Stuck Tom, “it’s all your fault, you should have been watching where you are going”.

Believe me when I say this film gets more bizarre. However, this tongue in cheek film has some merits in that it calls to question our disassociation with our fellow human beings. It calls into play not wanting to be blamed or taking responsibility for our actions. And when I look around the world today I can actually imagine this happening. Scary thought and I guess it is true because was based on a true story.

Overall: I laughed, I hid my eyes (some windshield wiper impelling was a bit squeamish), I was dumbfounded, and was left an impression about the human race, our selfishness and unwillingness to take responsibility. It is out there in the real world; don’t you see it?
