M- Night Shyamalan

The Happening

First Hit: This film isn’t happening.

I don’t understand how movie and film executives continue to poor money and support a filmmaker who appears to be a “one-trick-pony” or as they say in the music business “one shot wonder.”

The Sixth Sense was a great film by Shyamalan. However, every film since then has exponentially gotten worse. The premise of this tragic use of celluloid is that something is making people kill themselves.

First they say it’s terrorists, or a leak of a government experiment somewhere, but it turns out to be the plants. It is a chemical reaction or maybe the plants are pissed off at us for screwing up the world.

Regardless there is no suspense, extremely poor acting (it all feels very forced) and the dialog unbelievably ridged. (Example: When the train stops and all train crew can say is “nobody is out there” and they say this with stoic calm).

M. Night Shyamalan’s writing, direction and his usual small acting role, are forced, poorly expressed, and ill conceived. Mark Wahlberg, who can act, looks like a deer in headlights the entire film and Zooey Deschanel as Mark’s wife was even more lost.

Overall: I knew this was a really bad film 2 – 5 minutes into it. I literally was in shock that I’d have to sit through to the end. This film needed to breathe but instead it choked us into dreaded boredom.
